As an expert in Southern cooking and a long-time resident of Charleston, Nathalie Dupree knows where to find some of the best dishes in her city.
The author of "Mastering the Art of Southern Cooking" and a number of other cookbooks, Dupree shared what she loves to order when she goes out to eat.
- Slightly North of Broad: fried chicken livers; chocolate peanut butter pie; carmelized pear salad.
- Charleston Grill: crab cakes, "the only ones I really like in town."
- Husk: for a great cheeseburger.
- Peninsula Grill: Coconut cake. (This 12-pound, 12-layer cake is so popular that it was trademarked as the Peninsula Grill Ultimate Coconut Cake in 2012.)
- The Glass Onion: fried quail and a lot of the desserts.
Another favorite: "Anytime I can get succotash. I used to be able to get it at Martha Lou's and Bertha's," says Dupree.
One of husband Jack Bass' favorites: Most barbecue, especially from Bessinger's Barbeque in Charleston.